Alema Rar has seen much hardship in her life. Growing up on her native Ryloth, the young Twi'lek girl slaved away in the ryll spice mines with her sister
Numa Rar
. The sisters were saved from this difficult life when Jedi Knight
, a fellow Twi'lek, sensed their latent Force abilities and took them under her tutelage. They inherited their master's defiant spirit, however, and when the Yuuzhan Vong infiltrated the galaxy, they took arms against them. They split from the main body of the Jedi and led a resistence movement on the planet of New Plympto. Unfortunately, the planet was reduced by the Vong with a biological weapon, and the sisters barely made it off alive. They kept that defeat close to their hearts as a reminder of what they were fighting for. Disaster struck again when on a freighter in the Core the sisters were detained by a Vong blockade. The Vong used their newest weapon, the Force-hunting voxyn, to flush out the Rars, and in the course of their escape Numa was killed. Alema was devastated by the loss. When the time came for a strike team to infiltrate Vong-held space and destroy the voxyn queen, Alema jumped at the chance to avenge her sister. Alema's ability to keep track of the team's whereabouts in the warrens of the worldship kept them alive. She was an invaluable resource.