Callista's story is a strange one. She was once a powerful Jedi in the early days of the Empire. Evading the Jedi Purge did not
save her from Palpatine's legacy, however. She & her partner Geith attacked a massive dreadnaught called the Eye of
Palpatine & managed to disable the computer core. In the process, however, they 2 were killed. Callista's spirit, unable to
let such a deadly weapon exist unguarded, entered the ship's systems. There she stayed for many years, until I and students
Nichos Mar & Cray Mingla
found our way aboard the newly activated ship. Callista agreed to help us destroy the ship, though it meant her own existence
would be ended. I had grown very fond of Callista over the course of my imprisonment, & though I had never seen her, I came
to love her. Nichos, whose body had died of Quannot's Syndrome & now lived in an inferior android body, decided that he
would stay behind to destroy the ship. Cray unhessitatingly decided to stay with him, since she could not live without him. I
consented to their decisions & fled the ship. I was amazed to discover that Cray had given up her body before the Eye
blew up & Callista had taken possesssion of it. Though saddened by the loss of 2 students, I was thrilled that the woman I had
loved without ever seeing was now free from her mechanical prison.
The thrill was short-lived, however. Callista's imposure on Cray's body rendered her Force-blind. She trained long & hard to
regain her lost senses, but to no avail. She also helped teach at the praxeum for a while, having first-hand knowledge &
experience that few others possessed. Teaching wasn't enough for Callista though, & she grew more restless & frustrated with
her lack of Force-ability. When Admiral Daala attacked Yavin IV with the Super-Star Destroyer Knight Hammer,
Callista managed to bring the ship down nearly single-handedly. Callista found that she could only sense the Dark Side of the
Force; she vowed that if she could only use the Dark Side, then she wouldn't use the Force at all. In the chaos of battle, she
fled the system, hoping to touch the Light Side of the Force once again & come back to be with me. Several years passed &
Callista was never far from my thoughts. The day I found her, or more aptly when she contacted me, it was in the unlikeliest of
places. Callista had been studying under a pair of fallen Jedi on Nam Chorios & discovered that the planetary governor, Seti
Ashgad, was planning on unleashing a life-sucking semi-sentient species called drochs on the galaxy. Having finally caught
up with Callista, I had to give her up once more. We said our goodbyes & went our separate ways; mine to train more Jedi &
Callista to help keep the droch threat contained.