Raised on the planet Chandrila as the son of a female Jedi apprentice, the young dark-
skinned human and his mother fled to the isolated planet G'rho to escape Emperor
Palpatine's Jedi purges. But his mother was killed and Dev was captured in a raid on
the planet by the warlike Ssi-Ruuk. The boy was sent to the Ssi-Ruuvi homeworld of
Lwhekk, where his growing Force-abilities were discovered. The Ssi-Ruuk decided to
brainwash Dev and use him to scout the galaxy for humans, who made the best subjects for
the process of entechment -- the transfer of a person's vital energies to power metal
battle droids.
Dev was taken in by the Ssi-Ruu known as Master Firwirrung and helped him raid a number
of human outposts in the galaxy. Firwirrung promised to personally entech Dev, freeing
him from pain and fear to reward him for his help. My presence during the invasion of
Bakura was enough to erase much of Dev's brainwashing. The young man helped me escape
from the Ssi-Ruuk, but was mortally wounded as he killed his cruel masters, including
the invasion leader, Elder Sh'tk'ith, in revenge.
Dev was the first Force-strong individual I encountered following the death of Emperor
Palpatine, with the exception of my twin sister Leia
Organa-Solo. With the deaths of both Ben Kenobi and Master Yoda, it was up to me to
rebuild the Jedi Order. Discovering Dev gave me hope that there were other Force-strong
beings that had escaped the Emperor's Purge, and that the task of rebuilding may
actually be possible after all.