A leader on the planet Eol Sha, I brought him to my Academy after witnessing a feat of agility and foresight only possible with help from the Force. As a child, Gantoris could sense impending groundquakes and had miraculously survived when his playmates were killed in an avalanche. A possible descendent of the Jedi Ta'ania, Gantoris had nightmares of a terrible dark man who would tempt him with power and then destroy him. At first he thought it was me, and even I had started to believe it after a while. We discovered later that it was the spirit of Exar Kun. The Dark Lord guided Gantoris in building his own variable-length lightsaber, but Gantoris turned on his patron and tried to use the Force to put an end to the evil spirit. Instead, Kun killed Gantoris, burning him up from the inside out. Gantoris was the first casualty at the Jedi Academy, which came as a harsh blow to me, as well as the other students.