Keyan is one of the earliest Jedi recruits, though he didn't join the
until many years later. Coming from Agamar, Keyan was already a naturally adept pilot, but that skill was further enhanced by his latent Force-powers. Keyan set the example for myself as well as
Corran Horn
Tyria Sarkin
, &
Jaina Solo
by being a Jedi fighter pilot. He flew a Y-Wing at the Battle of Yavin, returning to the Rebel base with me, Han Solo, & Wedge Antilles. I had only just tentatively embraced my Jedi heritage when I met Keyan, but years later when I decided to rebuild the Jedi Order, Keyan was one of the first people I thought of. He has only relatively recently come to train & be trained on Yavin IV, old ground for this man. Keyan took very well to the training, & has been working overtime applying his military & Jedi backgrounds to fighting the Yuuzhan Vong threat.