A bearded, aging hermit who lived in the abandoned city of Tibannopolis on Bespin, he was able to predict eruptions of valuable gases from deep within the cloud layers and could hear the thoughts and voices of all around him -- a talent that bothered him greatly and led to his withdrawal from other people. I found Streen to be Force-sensitive and able to control weather phenomena through the Force, and so I invited him to join the other Jedi students at the Academy. The spirit of Dark Jedi Exar Kun influenced Streen into starting a tornado that threatened to destroy my near-lifeless body, but Streen was stopped just in time. He later joined forces with the other Jedi students in destroying Exar Kun's spirit forever. Streen has since become a model of what the Jedi Knights stand for. Many times I've left the care of the Academy to him while I was off on some "damn fool idealistic crusade," as my old Master used to say. In the latest frictional conflict within the Jedi ranks, concerning the invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong, Streen has stood by the teachings that I had hoped to instill in all my students, and I hope some of his experience and wisdom may rub off on the younger students.