Ganner Rhysode was a follower of Kyp Durron's philosophy for the Jedi, one of preventive action and a flashy public appearence. Ganner is tall, with black hair and a goatee, blue eyes, broad shoulders, and is quite muscular under his midnight blue and black robes. He was arrogant, rude, and harsh-tongued. But he also has his heart in the right place. Ganner tries to do what is right, and though I don't exactly agree with his methods sometimes, I don't feel he skirts the Dark Side.

On a mission to recon the activities of the Yuuzhan Vong, I sent Ganner and Corran Horn to Bimmiel to check on a survey team from the University of Agamar. Ganner was full of himself the whole trip and, when they discovered a Vong outpost on the planet, he wanted to attack it by themselves. Even though direct assault is not the Jedi way, Ganner was moved by the harsh beating and summary execution of an enslaved prisoner. Corran held him back, though, and later as they were leaving the planet, Ganner used his levitation powers to rescue a badly injured Corran from certain death.

Ganner then assisted Corran and Jacen Solo on a recon mission on Garqi. In an attempt to study the biology of subjugated prisoners, several of their Noghri guards were killed and Ganner received a nasty amphistaff wound across his face. Rather than wait to get to a bacta tank, Ganner had one of the Noghri field-repair the damage, leaving a large scar down the right side of his face. Ganner says it reminds him of the humility learned on Garqi at the hands of the Vong. With his newfound perspective on the war, Ganner became one of Corran's, and my, staunchest supporters. He fought valiantly at the Battle of Ithor, despite the ultimate loss.

Ganner volunteered to go along with the strike team to Myrkr. They were to destroy the primary voxyn, a Force-hunting beast from which all other voxyn were cloned. Ganner, the eldest of the Jedi on the team, was a decoy leader, taking the Vong pressure off of the true leader Anakin Solo. Though their mission was a success, several Jedi died in the attempt, including Anakin.
