Formerly known as Dolph, Kueller was an extremely talented student at the Academy, but he also possessed a deep darkness. He did not stay at the Jedi Academy long enough to either develop his Force-talents or to dispel this darkness, and he became known as Kueller once he left the Academy and accepted the Dark Side fully. As a youth, he witnessed the brutal deaths of his parents at the hands of the Je'har on Almania, and thereafter swore revenge on the Almanian rulers, as well as on the New Republic, which he believed had blindly ignored the atrocities committed by the Je'har.

Kueller launched an all-out assault on Almania, destroying the Je'har and proclaiming himself Master of Almania. Kueller wore a Hendanyn death mask to hide his boyish face and silvery hair. Only seen in museums, this ceremonial mask molded itself to the skin of the wearer. He worked with a group of smugglers in Smuggler's Run to buy Imperial equipment, which he had Brakiss, the administrator of the droid manufacturing factories on Telti and another former student, use in construction droids that incorporated an explosive device. Kueller then used these rigged droids to detonate massive explosions on the Almanian moons of Pydyr and Auyemesh, and even in the Senate Hall on Coruscant itself.

Kueller's plans also included rigging the New Republic's X-Wings with an explosive detonator, thereby eliminating the New Republic's most talented pilots. Kueller lured me to Almania, and sent a holo-coded message to my sister, Leia Organa-Solo, threatening my life as well as those of her children. Leia resigned as Chief of State and came to rescue me. Together, Leia and I faced down Kueller. Just as I was about to use my last resort, Kueller's Dark Side powers were curtailed by several ysalamiri that Han Solo had brought to Almania, and Leia killed Kueller with a blaster shot to the head.
