Numa Rar is a female of the Twi'lek species. She was the student of another Twi'lek, Daeshara'cor. When her master was killed by the Yuuzhan Vong at Ithor, Numa left the mainstream Jedi Order to pursue other interests. She led a resistance movement on New Plympto with her sister Alema, and was approached by Han and Leia Organa-Solo, who wanted to use her resources to help smuggle Jedi to safe havens, such as the Maw Installation. The Vong used a biological weapon to destroy New Plympto, which weighed heavily on the sisters' minds. While they were being smuggled to safety, the transport they were on was stopped by a Vong patrol. It was the first encounter any Jedi had with a voxyn, a shaped creature based on the Force-hunting vornskrs of Myrkr. In the confrontation Alema was severely injured and Numa was killed. Numa's death haunted her sister for quite some time.
