This timid Chadra-fan female is the apprentice to one of my first students, the Mon Calamari Ambassador Cilghal. She isn't very Force-strong, but she wants to be a Jedi and any one willing is accepted. She did, however, discover a Yuuzhan Vong agent undercover in one of Coruscant's night clubs. The agent was captured by my wife, Mara, and nephew, Anakin. The Vong was taken in for biological study, but managed to kill herself before any significant data could be retrieved.

Tekli's study under Cilghal was for more than just Force skills. She also became an adept healer. Her abilities came in very handy when she joined the Jedi strike team to Myrkr to destroy the voxyn queen. Though several Jedi died in the attempt, Tekli managed to keep the injured stable and in good condition. Though she did the best she could with what she had handy, she could not keep Anakin alive through the mission.
