Bela Hara is a strange creature, as are her fellow Barabel Jedi. Despite this, she served the Order well. Bela was the student of fellow Barabel Jedi
Saba Sebatyne
along with her sister
and Saba's son
. Though not trained at the Academy on Yavin 4 due to the Yuuzhan Vong blockade, all three were trained exceptionally well by Saba, herself trained by Jedi Knight
. Eelysa was unfortunately killed by one of the Vong's newest weapon, a Force-hunting mutation of a vornskr called a voxyn. When the time came for a strike team to be assembled to destroy the voxyn queen at Myrkr, the Hara sisters and Tesar readily volunteered to avenge their master's master. The Barabels' odd senses of humor contrasted with their sleek deadliness, though the Vong only got to experience the latter, unfortunately for them. All of the Barabels fought bravely and valiantly at Myrkr. However, both Bela and Krasov perished in the attempt. Though they were reletively new to the ranks of Jedi, they will be thoroughly missed.