A young woman from Coruscant, she was born after the Emperor's death and therefore was
untainted by the poisons of the Galactic Civil War. Eelysa was one of my most promising
students during the time of Kueller's rampage
against the New Republic. Eelysa became an accomplished Jedi, achieving the rank of
Eelysa specialized in complicated, years-long mission. It was on one such mission on
Barab I during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion that she
discovered some Force-strong Barabels. She trained
Saba Sebatyne herself, and oversaw the training of Saba's apprentices, Tesar Sebatyne, Bela
Hara, and Krasov Hara. Eelysa never hesitated
when facing danger, especially if there was something important hanging in the balance.
This caused
her some problems while on a mission to Corellia around the time of the Battle of Duro. She was severely
injured and had to spend time in a bacta tank. She escaped the Peace Brigade and other Vong sympathizers
with the help of Han and Leia Organa-Solo. Along with some
of the "Wild Knightz," Izal Waz and the Barabels hatchmates,
Eelysa was transported to safety. Unfortunately, she was one of
the first casualties of the voxyn, a creature shaped by the Vong from the Force-hunting
vornskrs of Myrkr. With her passing, we lost a great Jedi Master.