Daye Azur-Jamin has led a life full of drama and twists. He started out as a worker at a body armor factory on the
planet of Druckenwell. There he worked for the I'att family ... that is, until the Empire came along. When an Imperial
Moff stole the armor-making process, killed the elderly owners of I'att Armaments, and destroyed the facility, Daye
barely escaped with his life, though he was seperated from his love, the heir of I'att Armaments, Tinian I'att. Daye
was forced to undergo radical surgery to save his life which resulted in droid components being grafted to his body,
in essence making him a cyborg. Daye fell in with the Rebel Alliance, and after a couple of near misses with Tinian,
found himself on the planet of Monor II. After giving the Empire the slip once again, Daye began instruction under
the Sunesi leader, Agapos IX, a healer who uses something similar to the Force. Daye learns many things, including
bringing sight to one blinded eye, as well as how unstable Tinian has become since losing him. Daye promised
Agapos that he will confront Tinian some day.
Daye, of course, kept his promise. He and Tinian reunited, and in time they married. Daye continued his instruction
at the Jedi Academy. He was joined a few years later by his and Tinian's son, Tam. During the early days of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Daye and Tinian provided their skills in rooting out Vong spies, Daye in Hutt Space and
Tinian on Kashyyykk with Lowbacca. When we lost
communication with Daye, his Jedi son, Tam, went in on a rescue mission.