The nephew of the Wookiee Chewbacca, he was the first of his species to train at the
Academy. Nicknamed Lowie, the nineteen-year-old Lowbacca had always shown an affinity
for the Force. He was quickly befriended by Jacen
and Jaina Solo, the twin son and daughter
of Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo.
Lowbacca was different from the other trainees. For one thing, he wore no clothing
except for a glossy syren fiber belt that held a small translator droid known as Em
Teedee that interpreted his growls and grunts into Basic. Lowbacca also quickly became
friends with a humorless Dathomirian girl named Tenel
Together, the Jedi initiates explored the jungles of Yavin 4. Lowbacca discovered an
old, crashed TIE fighter that the young Jedi students repaired, only to be confronted by
the still-surviving pilot, who kidnapped the twins and held them hostage until they were
rescued. Only weeks later, the twins -- this time along with Lowbacca -- were again
kidnapped on a visit to Lando Carissian's GemDiver Station. The perpetrator was a
Nightsister from Dathomir, who schemed to turn the three to the Dark Side by forcing
them to train at the Shadow Academy. Lowbacca was seperated from the twins, taunted,
and mistreated. Eventually they escaped and returned to their studies.
During the hunt for Bornan Thul, father of fellow Jedi student Raynar Thul, Lowbacca discovered that his friend Raabakysh, thought
dead many years before, was in fact alive. Raaba convinced Lowie and his sister
Sirrakuk to check out the Diversity Alliance, with hopes that they would join. The
Diversity Alliance turned out to be an anti-human extremist group, and with the help of
his friends and the Chironian girl Lusa, the
Alliance was brought down. Later, while Han Solo and the twins were attending the Ord
Mantell Blockade Runners Derby with the former as Grand Marshal, Lowie, Zekk, and Tenel Ka made a surprise entrance into the race
aboard Tenel Ka's ship, the Rock Dragon, and won. There the group met Anja Gallandro, who manipulated her way into their
company. Lowie went on to help end the civil war on Anobis, and stop the takeover of
Kessel, thereby halting the plans of the rebuilt Black Sun crime syndicate. I gave
Lowie, along with his freinds, the title of Jedi Knight for their bravery.
Several years later, after the death of his uncle Chewbacca, Lowie, along with his
cousin Lumpawaroo, would offer to assume Chewbacca's life debt to Han Solo. Lowbacca
served well as a Jedi, reconnoitering in Yuuzhan Vong space with Tinian I'att. He
went with the strike team to Myrkr to destroy the voxyn queen. He was betrayed and
attacked by a Nightsister and her male student, who had been captured and tortured by the
Vong. Luckily though he lived through the assault.