A hard-edged middle-aged man, he was an apprentice to the great Jedi Master Ranik Solusar, his father, who was slaughtered by Darth Vader during the Empire's purge of Jedi Knights. Kam Solusar fled the Empire and spent decades in isolation beyond the inhabited star systems. When he returned, he was captured and tortured by Dark Side Jedi and was corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force. I found Kam on Nespis VIII and persuaded him to renounce his Dark Side allegiance and to join the Alliance. Kam joined the other Jedi students in defeating Exar Kun's spirit, protecting my body and freeing my spirit. Kam has never let me down since. After marrying fellow student
, Kam and his wife settled down and took on the job of administrators of the Academy during my many and prolonged absences. He has protected the trainees from many things, including the assaults by the Shadow Academy and Yuuzhan Vong, and helped scout the Jedi base of Eclipse in the Core. He also presided at the Jedi wedding ceremony of me and
Mara Jade
. Few in the galaxy know the horrors of the Dark Side, but Kam has moved as far away from its evil touch as can be imagined.