One of my earliest trainees, she found her true calling in teching other Jedi initiates
and spinning the epochal history of the Jedi Knights into haunting and evocative
ballads. Tionne was one of the first dozen students at the Academy. What she lacked in
Force ability, she made up for in enthusiasm and devotion.
Tionne, a slender human female with large pearlescent eyes and flowing silver-white hair,
was fascinated with the Jedi Holocron of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Even before she
enrolled at the Academy, she had researched Jedi history and legend. With access to the
Holocron, she began to weave the legends of the Jedi into songs and ballads, preserving
history and using the Force to create her haunting music. She accompanied herself on a
stringed instrument she had created herself: a shaft strung with cords separating two
hollow boxes, called a double viol.
Tionne was deeply involved in defending the Academy and saving me when the spirit of
Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun came to life. Tionne found my body on the top of the
ancient Massassi temple, still barely alive. Battling against Kun, Tionne found her
work in the archives very helpful. It gave her knowledge of the Dark Lord's past that
aided the students in forming a strategy to defeat him once and for all.
Years later, when I left on another galaxy-saving mission, I entrusted the training of a
new crop of students to Tionne and her husband Kam
Solusar. By using parables and fables, she communicated the core of the Jedi
exercises -- often more effectively than I -- and became a semi-regular instructor at
the Jedi Academy. Tionne helps instruct the youngest students, teaching them to find
their own special skills in the Force.
I later entrusted the administration of the Academy to Tionne and Kam. They oversaw the
teaching of all students. Tionne took an apprentice in Tahiri Veila, a close friend of my nephew Anakin. Tionne helped defend the Academy during the assualts by the Shadow
Academy, as well as the Vong's devastation of Yavin IV. She also helped in finding
Eclipse, the secret Jedi base located deep in the Core. I do not know what I would have
done without Tionne as a Jedi Knight.