Tresina Lobi is the only Chev Force-adept I have ever met. After unmasquing a Yuuzhan Vong agent in the mid-levels of
Coruscant, Mara Jade-Skywalker and I met with Tresina, who had disturbing
news: her apprentice, Thrynni Vae, mysteriously disappeared while
investigating the CorDuro Shipping Corp., involved with supplying SELCORE's planetary reclamation project of Duro. Sadly,
Thrynni was murdered by CorDuro agents and her body disposed of. I share Tresina's grief of Thrynni's demise, the loss of a
potentially great Jedi.
Despite this tragic loss, Master Lobi continues to contribute to the Jedi cause as well as the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong.
Recently, I have placed Master Lobi as one of the 6 Jedi members of the newly-formed Jedi Council, now called the High
Council. Other members include Cilghal,
Kenth Hamner, Kyp Durron,
Saba Sebatyne, & myself.