From a tousled-haired eight-year-old whose youth was forfeited to the mines of Kessel to a Jedi Knight -- with a detour
through the Dark Side -- Kyp Durron has led a life of extremes. He and his parents were carted off by stormtroopers one night
from their home on the Deyer colony in the Anoat system. The crime of the politically active parents: speaking out against the
Empire's destruction of Alderaan and its billions of inhabitants. Kyp and his parents were sent to the Imperial Correctional
Facility on the planet Kessel where they were pressed into slave labor, mining the powerful drug called glitterstim spice from
the pitch-black tunnels. Kyp's older brother, Zeth, was shunted off to the grueling Imperial Academy on Carida.
Kyp spent his formative years alone and in darkness. His parents were executed during a battle that resulted in the smuggler
Moruth Doole gaining complete control over the prison and the mines. Then a new prisoner came to Kessel. She was a Jedi
Knight in the days of the Old Republic and was named Vima-Da-Boda. She
sensed an aptitude for the Force in Kyp and started training him in some Force skills until one day she, too, was taken away
by authorities. Seven years after the battle of Endor, two new prisoners met Kyp: Han Solo and Chewbacca, who had been
shot down by Doole while on a diplomatic mission to Kessel.
Han discovered quickly that the sixteen-year-old Kyp had great aptitude in the Force. It came in handy in the lower tunnels,
when he, Chewbacca, and several other slaves and guards were attacked by the giant spiders that created the glitterstim. They
then developed an escape plan and made it off Kessel in a stolen Imperial cargo ship, only to be pulled into the Maw, a cluster
of 5 black holes. Kyp's Force powers helped them to navigate to relative safety: a top-secret Imperial weapons installation run
by Admiral Daala. Their escape from the installation -- with Kyp wearing a stormtrooper's armor -- led to a fierce space battle
that resulted in the destruction of most of Moruth Doole's space fleet. I invited Kyp to come to Yavin IV at the behest of our
mutual friend Han Solo. Within a week, he had surpassed all the other initiates. But his impatience and anger made him a target
for the Dark Side in the form of the long-dead Sith Lord Exar Kun, whose still-strong spirit was trapped in a Yavin temple.
After Kun killed fellow student Gantoris, Kyp started training in secret with
him but believed he could control the Dark Side. Still, in an act of vengeance, he removed the memories from the mind of
reformed Imperial weapons developer Qwi Xux. He then joined Kun to raise a major Imperial weapon, the Sun Crusher, from its
burial grounds in the heart of the gas giant Yavin. When I tried to intervene, Kyp and Kun trapped my spirit outside of my
body, placing me in a state near death.
Kyp tracked down his most hated enemy, Admiral Daala, as she was about to attack Coruscant, and nearly destroyed her. Next
he tried to find his brother on Carida, but the rescue attempt failed as he accidentally incinerated his brother along with Carida
and all the inhabitants. Later, as Kyp was about to destroy the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Lando Calrissian
aboard, he was freed from Exar Kun's influence when the other Jedi trainees succeded in destroying Kun's spirit. I then offered
to continue Kyp's training if he forever renounced the Dark Side. On our way to destroy the Sun Crusher once and for all, Kyp
and I ran into another battle with Admiral Daala. Kyp managed to destroy both the Sun Crusher and a prototype Death Star,
barely escaping with his life. Since Kyp's return to the Light Side, he has still undergone much. Even though he denounced
the Dark Side and serves as a powerful Jedi Knight, most of the galaxy still considers him to be the mass murderer of the planet
Carida, often comparing him to Darth Vader in that respect. Kyp has had to live with the knowledge that not only did he
destroy a planet, but also killed his own brother, the last of his family, in the process. But he has devoted himself to his new
family, the Jedi Order. I was concerned, however, about his proactive radical stance on how the Jedi should behave. Kyp wanted
to act first and ask questions later. What worried me even more were the Jedi, such as Miko Reglia, Octa Ramis, and
Wurth Sidder, and others like them who were aligning themselves with Kyp,
seemingly in opposition to me. This reminds me of something my master Yoda said: "Once you start down that dark path,
forever will it haunt your destiny." Kyp's ideals resulted, though indirectly in one case, in the heightened
tensions between Osarian and Rhommamool, and the death of Jedi Knight Miko Reglia. With the vital threat of the growing
Yuuzhan Vong invasion, only time will tell the fate of the galaxy.
Kyp grew increasingly seperated from the core Jedi philosophy. He continued to push for more aggressive behavior, to
"take the fight to the Vong." He and his Dozen hid out on harsh or sparsely populated planets to spy on the Vong. They
staked out a hiding spot near Sernpidal and discovered a "weapon" being grown in the remains. The weapon was eventually
discovered to be a new worldship, but not before Kyp used Jaina Solo to trick
the New Republic military, Rogue Squadron, Gavin Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, and Traest Kre'fey into launching an all-out
assault on the installation. Though the ship was destroyed, I fear the costs for the Jedi may be higher than Kyp can fathom.
Already another of his followers, Wurth Skidder, has died following Kyp's stance of active aggression against the Vong. And
yet I can't stand by and watch as the Jedi are slaughtered and harassed throughout the galaxy. There must be a middle ground.
Shortly after the events at Myrkr concerning the Jedi task force sent to destroy the prime vornskr clone, Jaina Solo agreed to
become Kyp's apprentice. In hindsight, the main reason for this choice was that Jaina had watched one brother die & her own
twin seemingly do the same. She was lost & bent on revenge. She hoped that Kyp would make her strong, strong enough to
wipe out the Vong forever, even if that meant turning to the Dark Side or even at the cost of her own life. While in the Hapes
Cluster to regroup, Jaina, Kyp, & Lowie went to Gallinore to get the bio-tech scientists there to grow yorik coral for one of
Jaina's plans. During this secret mission, Kyp watched as Jaina used Force-lightning to fend off some guards. He realized that
she was prepared to go much further than he thought, & he became determined to bring her back to the Light. The New
Republic regrouped at Borlaeis. It was there the the super-secret Inner Circle, a reborn Rebellion inside the New Republic led
by Wedge Antilles, decided that Jaina, her stolen Vong shuttle Trickster, & Twin Suns Squadron (counting Kyp &
Jagged Fel among its members) to build up the illusions that Jaina was an incarnation of Yun-Harla, the Vong Trickster God.
Kyp eventually realized that his path would lie along a different route than Jaina's & was later transferred back to a newly-
formed Dozen Squadron. Recently, I named Kyp as one of 6 members of the newly-formed Jedi Council, now called the High
Council, alng with Cilghal, Saba
Sebatyne, Kenth Hamner,
Tresina Lobi, & myself. Though many disagreed with his placement, including Kyp himself, I feel that Kyp brings a
healthy dose of contention to the Council.