Danni was born on the world of Commenor. Her mother was an astrophysicist, her father was a buerocrat. The two
split up when Danni was young. Hating the oppressiveness of the Core worlds, Danni joined the ExGal society at 15.
The ExGal team was put together to monitor the rim of the galaxy, in hopes of finding evidence of extra-galactic life.
Three years after joining the team at Belkadan, Danni accomplished just that. The evidence, however, was an advance
ship of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. An infiltrator on the team killed many of the members and took Danni captive,
planning on giving her up as a sacrifice to the Vong gods. She was held on the ice world of Helska IV. Sometime later,
Kyp Durron's Dozen-and-Two Avengers Squadron stumbled upon the
base and all pilots were killed, save Kyp himself and his apprentice Miko
Reglia, who was captured. Danni witnessed the brutal breaking of Miko by the Vong yammosk, a war-
coordinator. Once the Jedi found out about the Vong, we launched an assault on Helska IV, but not before Jaina and Jacen Solo launched
their own rescue mission. Though they were too late to save Miko, Jacen did manage to get Danni out of the facility.
The planet of Helska IV was destroyed, and the invasion was halted . . . momentarily.
As it turned out, Danni was Force-sensitive. After the loss of ExGal-4, she had no direction. She spent some time on
Commenor with her family, and for a while accompanied Leia Organa-Solo as quasi-apprentice and eyewitness to the
invading extra-galactic species. Danni was present at Dantooine, when a massive Vong landing party drove away the
Jedi and sacked the planet. Later, as more was learned of the Vong, she turned her attention to locating and "scrambling"
the yammosks' controlling frequencies. Following the Battle of Duro, she flew with the Wild Knightz,
Saba Sebatyne's offshoot of Jedi. With the help of Cilghal, Danni was able to identify the gravitiv pulses the yammosks used to
coordinate battles. She also got the chance to experiment on a live yammosk captured and held at the secret Jedi base
of Eclpise. Her work came in handy at the Battle of Coruscant, thought it wasn't enough to stop the alien invaders from
decimating the planet.