Wurth Skidder is one of the young Jedi Knights who follow the lead of Kyp Durron. Kyp is a fine Jedi, and despite his failures and disappointments in the past, he has more than made up for it. And yet, in this time of instability and distrust of the Jedi, Kyp's aggresive and flashy use of the Force makes me uncomfortable. Wurth is counted among those that hold to Kyp's philosophy closely. He feels the Jedi should be as visible as possible, and to use their powers to intimidate criminals and aggressors into getting out before they get in. One such action nearly cost the New Republic face. When Leia Organa-Solo, her daughter, Jaina Solo, and my wife Mara Jade-Skywalker were heading into a local dispute between Rhommammool and Osarian, an over-anxious border patrol moved on their ship. Wurth, piloting his X-J X-Wing, shot down several ships, breeding much distrust of the New Republic, the Jedi, and Leia in particular. The Jedi have always believed that the Force should be used for knowledge and defense, never for attack. These pro-active tactics seemed to me dangerously close to the Dark Side.

Wurth did redeemed himself, however, though in a way I'm not sure I agree with. He let himself be caught by the Vong on Gyndine in order to infiltrate their ranks. When Wurth tried to turn the Vong and the Hutts against each other, he inadvertantly disclosed his hidden Jedi status to the maturing yammosk. The ships commander, Chine-Kal, made it his personal duty to torture and eventually break Wurth. During the Battle of Fondor, Kyp Durron and Ganner Rhysode managed to free the captives from the ship. Sadly though, Wurth was too far gone to save, and he became one with the Force. I fear that now others will feel the desire to avenge his death as well as others, such as Miko Reglia, Daeshara'cor, Seyyerin Itoklo, and Anakin Solo.
