Born six years after the death of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, the onetime Dark Lord of the Sith Darth
Vader, Anakin Solo is the youngest of the three children of Han Solo and
Leia Organa-Solo and the strongest in the Force.
Anakin was born very soon after his parents and twin siblings were rescued from New Alderaan. They had
just arrived at the New Republic base, travelling in the abandoned floating space city of Nespis VIII, when Leia went
into labor. It was a short time later, when their parents returned with other New Republic officials to Coruscant, that
infant Anakin and the twins, Jacen and Jaina, were taken to the faraway world of Anoth, to be hidden in a heavily guarded facility
and overseen by Leia's assistant Winter.
When they were 2 years old, the twins went to Coruscant, but the 6-month-old Anakin was too young and
too susceptible to the Dark Side of the Force. Despite precautions, Anoth was compromised, but an attempted
kidnapping of Anakin was foiled.
Anakin, with icy blue eyes and unruly brown hair, was finally brought to Coruscant and grew up happily,
playing in th corridors of New Republic power with Winter, C-3PO, or Chewbacca looking after him and the twins.
As Anakin has grown older, his Force powers have become more evident, and he is sometimes more intense and
quiet than the twins. His gift for mechanics was revealed when he took apart and reassembled computers at the age
of 5.
Anakin started attending the Academy when he was only 11 years old -- his siblings didn't attend until they
were 13. Like them he can't escape involvement in the politics of the galaxy or the treachery of evildoers even at his
age, because of the powerful roles of his mother, father, and even myself play in the governing of the New Republic.
While at the Academy, he made friends with an orphaned girl from Tatooine who had grown up with the Sand People,
named Tahiri Veila. He also made friends of the Melodie girls Lyric and Sannah, and
the Force-weak Uldir. Anakin had many adventures with his friends,
including releasing the trapped spirits of Massassi children from the Golden Globe, a relic protected by the ancient
Jedi Master Ikrit.
Anakin has grown incredibly strong in the Force, inheriting the gifts of his grandfather. Leia says she
named him in an attempt to redeem our father's name, but it has also given rise to fears of Anakin's powers. After the
death of Chewbacca on Sernpidal, while saving Anakin's life, Anakin blamed himself. I fear that this guilt could drive
him closer to the Dark Side, although the time he spent on Dantooine with my wife, Mara Jade-Skywalker, seems to have done him quite a bit of good. He has great promise.
I have taken it as my duty to personally train not only Anakin but Jacen as well. The tensions between the brothers
has been growing at an alarming rate since the invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong began. It came to a point of reckoning
at Centerpoint Station in the Corellian System. Anakin was primed to fire the station at an armada of Vong ships
attacking Fondor, but conceded to Jacen and he did not. Their uncle, Thrackan Sal-Solo, fired the weapon himself,
destroying 3/4 of the amassed Hapan fleet recruited by their mother, a loss that Anakin is sure would not have
happened had he fired the station himself.
After the disaster at Fondor, Anakin decided to lay low for a while by helping his father with the refugee
effort. Anakin, Jacen, Han, and his Ryn friend Droma went to Duro to help acclimate new refugees to the
inhospitable world. When his sister Jaina was injured in a scuffle with the Vong, the commander of Rogue Squadron,
Gavin Darklighter, sent her to Han to recouperate, as he could not contact Leia. As it turned out, Leia was also on
Duro, overseeing the entire refugee operation. Anakin assisted Mara, Jaina, and I in an undercover operation on the
orbiting habitats of Duro in an attempt to discover what happened to Jedi Master Tresina Lobi's apprentice Thrynni Vae.
The family reunion was cut short, however, when the traitorous Hutt, Randa Besadii, contacted the Yuuzhan Vong.
Though Anakin and the rest fought valiantly, Duro was lost to the Vong sweep. And to make matters worse, the
Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah put out a decree: the Vong would spare the rest of the galaxy if its people would bring
them the heads of all the Jedi, especially that of Jacen Solo.
As Jedi after Jedi fell and the remnants split further as to what action to take, it came to my attention that the
Jedi Academy on Yavin IV was in danger of being discovered. Already behind enemy lines, Yavin IV was hidden by
a concealment mind-trick I learned from the Fallanassi. But with the many movements of the Jedi Knights throughout
the galaxy, there were few left on the moon to keep up the illusion. As we were making plans to evacuate the
students from the Academy, Anakin made the trip by himself, guided by a dark vision of the future concerning his
best friend Tahiri. When he arrived in the Yavin system, he was assaulted by a Peace Brigade attack force intent on
taking as many Jedi captive as possible. He managed to make his way to the Great Temple and alert Kam Solusar, Tionne,
and Master Ikrit of the danger. Lacking a large enough transport to move all of the students, they made a plan to hide
them, first in the catacombs under the Temple and later in the Temple of the Woolamander, where Anakin and Tahiri
first met Ikrit. Unfortunately, Tahiri, Sannah, and Valin Horn stayed
behind to help Anakin fend off the Peace Brigaders, foiling his plan to escape in his one-person X-Wing and making
him steal a Brigade small transport and the pilot along with it. Sadly, in the ensuing chase through the forest, Master
Ikrit gave up his life to protect the children, though Tahiri was captured when she tried to save him. The transport
critically disabled, Anakin managed to gracefully crash the ship and keep everyone alive.
Unable to fix the transport, Anakin left Sannah, Valin, the transport pilot, and his personal astromech droid
in the hands of former-Imperial-turned-jungle-hermit Qorl. Anakin then left on a suicide mission to try and recover
Tahiri from Vong control. Along the way, he ran into a Vong by the name of Vua Rapuung, apparently one who is
called a Shamed One, a Vong who cannot accept implants or body-modification and thus seen as cursed and hated
by the gods. Rapuung believed that he was the victim of a spurned lover and was seeking to extract revenge, and so
teamed up with Anakin since Tahiri was being held by Rapuung's former flame, a Shaper. A long trek through the
jungle and much harassment by Rapuung later, Anakin arrived at the Shaper's compounds which had completely
destroyed the centuries-old Great Temple.
Anakin went undercover as a slave, waiting until the time was right to make his move. During that time he
discovered much about Vong culture and world-views, as well as coming upon the Vong equivalent of a lamp. The
small organism reacted to his touch, and amazingly reacted to his Force-sense! He and Rapuung retreated to the
chambers below the former-temple to make some last-minute plans, including letting Anakin fix his shorted-out
lightsaber. Using the Vong-lamp as a replacement crystal, Anakin was able to repair his saber, and by meditating on
the nature of the Vong, as well as himself, he found that he could now subtley sense them in the Force! They then
assaulted the Shaper's domes, and luckily at an opportune time. As the chief Shaper was being escorted off planet
by Vong warriors for heresy, Anakin and Rapuung were able to achieve their respective goals, though Rapuung did
not live long enough to enjoy it. Tahiri, who was broken by the Vong and brainwashed into thinking she was one,
managed to keep her head and helpa severely-wounded Anakin escape. They were picked up by Qorl, Valin, and
company in an adequetely-repaired shuttle and taken off-planet. When they ran headlong into Vong fleet, their hides
were saved when Jacen and Jaina Solo showed up with Booster Terrik and his Super Star Destroyer, the Errant
Venture, in tow. Also along for the ride was Corran Horn, who
rushed into action with his father-in-law Terrik when he heard that his son was in danger. Though the physical
wounds will heal, the emotional and mental impacts on Anakin will have some long-lasting effects, I fear. Tahiri was
severely scarred by the experience, even fearing for her sanity.
Anakin stayed for a while on the Errant Venture, watching over the Jedi students and helping Tahiri recover.
But in true Anakin style, he couldn't stay out of trouble for long. He, Tahiri, and Corran went to Eriadu on a supply
run. While there, the kids found a Jedi, Kelbis Nu, being attacked by
Peace Brigaders. They managed to fight the attackers off, but Nu was too far gone. Before he died, he whispered
one word to Anakin: Yag'duhl. Tahiri and Anakin were taken into custody by Vong-sympathizing security agents.
They made a quick escape, however, and, after meeting up with Corran, managed to get off planet. They went to
Yag'duhl and discovered a waiting invasion force just outside the system. When their ship was destroyed, they
waited on an asteroid, or at least what they thought was an asteroid. It turned out that their hiding place was the hull
of a Vong scout ship in disguise. After infiltrating the ship, they took control of the helm. They thought that by
warning the Givin that their system was going to be invaded, they could turn back the Vong. Though it was a good
plan, the ever-present Vong subvertive agent Nom Anor foiled it. The trio escaped with their lives, and just when
things looked bleakest, the Vong fleet ran. While Anankin and company were defending Yag'duhl,
Kyp Durron and Jaina Solo were destroying a new worldship being
grown at Sernpidal. We can only assume that the Vong believed the battle at Yag'duhl was a ploy to keep them away
from Sernpidal. The whole group made it back to the Venture in time to see Anakin's newborn cousin, Ben
Skywalker. I've noticed that Tahiri has been healing well, though the emotional scars may tak many years to smooth
over. I've also noticed that she and Anakin have gotten much closer after their adventures with the Vong. As
Master Ikrit always said, the two together are stronger than either one alone.
Then the Vong released their newest weapon, a creature called a voxyn. Their Shapers took a vornskr from
the planet Myrkr and mutated it to fit their needs. Since vornskrs hunt through the Force, the voxyn are ideal for
hunting Jedi. After capturing and analyzing the genetic make-up of a few voxyn, Cilghal discovered that all the voxyn are clones of a "queen." To keep more Jedi from being
killed, we decided that a strike team had to infiltrate Vong space, get to Myrkr, and destroy the queen. Anakin
became the de facto leader of the team. It was a mission that had to be performed. Anakin did exactly what he had to
do, and he did it well, losing only Ulaha Kore in the insertion
operation, and lost only four others of the seventeen Jedi, with two missing in action. The team destroyed the voxyn
queen and removed the threat to all Jedi. Unfortunately, Anakin himself was lost in the assault on the voxyn cloning
facility. His death sent shockwaves throught he Force, and devastated all those closest to him. We lost a friend, a
son, a brother, a nephew, a bright young Jedi. The galaxy mourns his loss.