Tahiri was discovered in the unlikely presence of a tribe of Sand People on my own
homeworld of Tatooine by the Jedi historian Tionne
. Tionne recognized the power in the little blond girl and invited her to join the
Jedi Academy. There the talkative and energetic Tahiri made friends with the quiet and
reserved Anakin Solo. The two became
inseperable friends and together they had many adventurres. They released the trapped
spirits of Massassi children from the Golden Globe with the aid of the Jedi Master
Ikrit; fought the legendary krayt dragon of
Tatooine, where Tahiri learned that she was the daughter of moisture farmers befriended
by the Sand Person chieftain who adopted her; participated in the the changeling girl
Lyric's changing ceremony in the waters of Yavin
VIII; and recovered a holocron and Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber from Darth Vader's Bast
Castle, along with Tionne, Ikrit, Anakin, and Uldir
. If a ten-year-old girl can get into this much trouble, I can only imagine what the
future holds.
And trouble she has found. Tahiri stayed at the Academy as Tionne's apprentice while
Anakin became mine. When the Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade attacked Yavin IV, Anakin
rushed off to save Tahiri. She, rather than seeing the situation as grave danger, saw
it as another adventure, and so she snuck away, along with Valin Horn and Sannah, when
Anakin was leading the other trainees away from the Great Temple. Anakin and Ikrit had
to make adjustments to their escape plans to get the others out. Sadly, their attempt
resulted in the death of Master Ikrit and the capture of Tahiri by the Vong. While in
their grasp, Tahiri was tortured and brainwashed into believing that she was a Vong.
Anakin was finally able to free her from their hold, but the mental scars will take a
long while to heal.
During her recovery, she and Anakin stayed aboard the Errant Venture, watching
over the young trainees as well as training themselves. On a supply mission to Eriadu
with Corran Horn, Tahiri and Anakin jumped into
a brawl between the Jedi Kelbis Nu and the
Peace Brigade. Though they were able to drive off the Brigaders, Kelbis was mortally
wounded. Before he died, he said one word: Yag'duhl. After escaping from the local
government, the three jumped into the Yag'duhl system only to find an invasion force
waiting in the wings. They were forced to abandon their ship, but eventually hijacked a
Vong scout ship. They alerted the Givin to the imminent danger, but were betrayed by a
Vong in Givin's clothing. They narrowly escaped the encounter, which brought Tahiri and
Anakin closer than ever.
When a strike team was put together to destroy the voxyn queen at Myrkr, Anakin was
asigned as leader. Naturally, Tahiri wanted to go along with him. Their mission was a
success, however, in the attempt Anakin was killed. His death touched many, but few more
so than Tahiri.