Valin is
Corran Horn
and Mirax Terrik's oldest child. The Force is strong in his family and it shows in this young man. Though plagued by the lack of telekinetic power inherent in the Halcyon/Horn line, Valin does show remarkable skill in thought manipulation. A trick he played on fellow student
Ganner Rhysode
involving fire ants proved that point rather well. He is also brash like his father. During the invasion of Yavin IV by the Peace Brigade, Valin stowed away at the Great Temple after the other Jedi children were evacuated. He,
, and
Tahiri Veila
threw a hydrospanner into
Anakin Solo
's escape plans. Following the death of Master
and the capture of Tahiri, Valin and Sannah hid in the surrounding jungles, trying to repair a shuttle to leave the planet. Naturally, when Corran heard that his children were in danger, he came running. He brought with him his father-in-law's Star Destroyer, the
Errant Venture
. Valin and the other children still live and train there. I have high hopes for this child and share his father's pride in his growing Force abilities.