The one-meter-tall, white-furred, floppy-eared creature known as Ikrit was originally
believed to have been the pet of Anakin Solo,
discovered in the jungles of Yavin IV. It was only later, after solving the puzzle of the
Golden Globe with the help of Anakin and his friend
Tahiri Veila, that Ikrit showed what he really was: an ancient Jedi Master. Four
hundred years before Anakin came to the Academy, Ikrit came to the moon of Yavin IV and
discovered the Golden Globe. Unable to break the curse, he waited until somone came
along who could. Those people were Anakin and Tahiri. Ikrit was trained by Master Yoda
himself, many centuries before he trained me. Ikrit kept his true identity secret from
but a few people, namely me, Tionne,
Uldir, and Anakin & Tahiri. He did, however,
share his knowledge with us and whenever possible, such as during their many adventures,
helped train Anakin, Tahiri, and Uldir.
When the Peace Brigade and the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Yavin IV, Ikrit helped Tionne and
Kam Solusar hide the trainee children from them.
Ikrit went back to help Anakin defend the Great Temple from the attackers. He discovered
that Tahiri, Sannah, and Valin Horn had stayed behind to help them. After stealing a Brigade
shuttle and kidnapping the pilot, the group tried to make its escape. However, in the
attempt a group of Brigade ships tried to stop them. Ikrit jumped out of the ship to
drive them back and draw their fire. His gambit was successful, but cost him his life.
He will be missed by many.