Anja Gallandro was a beautiful, yet deeply disturbed young woman from the war-torn world of Anobis. She originally met
Jaina Solo
, and their friends
Tenel Ka
, and
, on Ord Mantell during the blockade runner derby. Jacen and Jaina's father, Han Solo, was the Grand Marshal of the derby, and it was he who drew Anja. Anja believed that her father, the great blaster-slinger Gallandro, had been cold-heartedly killed by Han in his less-than-respectable days. Anja was actually a pawn being used by Czethros, a vigo of the rebuilt Black Sun crime syndicate and old rival of Han Solo's. Czethros had tricked Anja into believing Han was the cause of all her troubles, including the growing realization that she was addicted to andris spice. Anja befriended the Solo twins in order to hurt Han through them. It was in this capacity that she came to the Jedi Academy. Although Anja had no real talent in sensing and manipulating the Force, she did benefit from lighsaber training, where she learned to control her very ancient and ornate lightsaber. Anja soon came to realize that it was Czethros who manipulated and controlled her life, and she gave up not only her hatred of Han Solo but also her addiction to andris spice, with the help of the Solo twins, their friends, and the Mon Cal Ambassador
, once a student at the Jedi Academy herself. With her life back on track, Anja decided that, even though she had grown close to a number of beings at the Academy, she should move on, and was last seen working as a cargo pilot for Lando Calrissian.