The somewhat humorless, impatient, but hard-driven daughter of Prince Isolder of Hapes
and Teneniel Djo of the Singing Mountain Clan of Witches on Dathomir, this teenager is
filled with the high spirits of both her parents -- and with the Force. Thus it is no
surprise that she ended up on Yavin IV to train at the Jedi Academy, although her
identity as a princess was kept secret from the other trainees.
At the Academy, she quickly made friends with Jacen
and Jaina Solo, the twin son and daughter
of Leia and Han Solo, and Lowbacca, a young Wookiee nephew of Chewbacca. The four of them
found an old crashed TIE Fighter in the Yavin IV jungle and repaired it, even adding a
hyperdrive motor, before realizing that the pilot, Qorl, was still alive. He captured
the twins, but Tenel Ka made it back to the Academy in time to get help and rescue them,
although not before Qorl escaped.
When I began instructing this class on building their first lightsabers, Tenel Ka didn't
devote her full attentions to the task. The components in her hilt were cramped and the
lightsaber's crystals had small flaws -- but she was tired and figured they would
suffice. During a practice session, however, Tenel Ka's lightsaber blade sputtered out
just as Jacen's blade was coming down -- and Tenel Ka's left arm was severed above the
elbow. She returned to Hapes to recover and questioned whether she should continue Jedi
training. But after she and her young Jedi friends staved off an assassination attempt
on her grandmother, she returned to the Jedi Academy. Later, she also helped me in
rescuing the twins from the Shadow Academy over Dathomir.
Tenel Ka adapted well to life with one arm. She is truly a resilient girl. She helped
her friends bring down the Diversity Alliance and stopped a lethal galaxy-wide plague
before it started. Then, in a truly surprising turn of events, her ship, the Rock
Dragon, won the annual Ord Mantell Blockade Runners Derby of which Han Solo was
Grand Marshal. Zekk piloted the craft while
Lowbacca sat as co-pilot. The group met and befriended Anja Gallandro, though Anja felt otherwise about the kids. Eventually,
Tenel Ka, Jacen, Zekk, and Mon Cal Ambassador and Jedi healer Cilghal helped Anja overcome her addiction to andris spice. Tenel Ka
was present on Hapes when my sister, Leia Organa-Solo, persuaded the Consortium to join
the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. According to Leia, the way her father Isolder
fought against Thane Beed, it's no wonder Tenel Ka is such a fierce warrior.
She has also participated in many recon missions into Vong-held space, including one to
Bilbringi with Rodian Jedi Jovan Drark. Both she
and Jovan volunteered for the strike team to Myrkr to destroy the "queen" of the voxyn, a
deadly creature made by Vong Shapers and based on the Force-hunting vornskrs. The "queen"
was the prime from which all other voxyn were cloned. Tenel Ka's unmatched fighting
skills and solid practicality were great assests to the team. Unfortunately, she
witnessed the deaths of Anakin Solo and Jovan
Drark, among others, as well as the disappearance of friend Raynar Thul. She also saw the capture of her close friend Jacen Solo
by the Vong. Though the mission was successful, it was paid at a high price.