A young female from the planet Chiron, she was a friend of Jaina Solo. Lusa has four legs and a reddish-gold horselike body with white
spots on her hindquarters. Her torso is humanoid, with reddish-gold curly hair on her
head. Lusa loves to run and jump and is very fast. Her species grows forehead horns
each year; the horns grow beneath velvet, a vascular tissue, and break out of the velvet
when they are grown.
Lusa first met the Solos while a captive of Lord Hethrir, the
leader of te Empire Reborn movement. Hethrir intended to sacrafice the young
Force-strong children to a Force-sucking creature named Waru, possibly from Otherspace.
They were saved before such could happen, and Hethrir was taken by Waru, who then
reverted back to his own dimension.
Lusa held a grudge against humans for many years
because of what Hethrir had done. She eventually fell in with the Diversity Alliance, a
pro-species equality group masking a deadly hatred for humans. When Lusa discovered the
dark underbelly of the Diversity Alliance, she fled and wound up on Yavin IV to ask for
Jaina's help. Jaina, Jacen, and Tenel Ka went off to Diversity Alliance headquarters on
the planet Ryloth to save Lowbacca and his
sister from their clutches. Lusa stayed behind on Yavin IV with Raynar Thul, who grew very close to her. An assassination plot
against Lusa was foiled, and she bravely went on a New Republic inspection tour of
Ryloth that also included me and Mon Cal Ambassador and former student Cilghal.
Once the Diversity Alliance was shut down
and it's leader, Nolaa Tarkona, was apparently dead, Lusa decided to study at the Jedi
Academy to train her unused Force-potential to make sure a group such as the Diversity
Alliance never got so close to succeeding again. Sadly, however, she was killed a few
years later by a voxyn, a Vong creature based on the Force-hunting vornskrs of Myrkr.