Uldir was an early teenager with chestnut, shoulder-length hair when he came to the Academy. The son of two freighter pilots,
Uldir immersed himself in Jedi legends. The promise of adventure and excitement appealed more to him than the
less-than-thrilling lifestyle of his parents, so he stowed aboard the Lightning Rod, the supply shuttle detailed for the
Academy. Uldir was dead-set on becoming a great Jedi. The only problem was, Uldir had little-to-no Force potential. I was
willing to give him a chance rather than turn him away outright. Uldir, along with his new friends
Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila,
studied the Force and tried to improve his nigh-nonexistent skills.
He accompanied Anakin, Tahiri, Jedi Knight and instructor Tionne, and Jedi
Master Ikrit to the Dark Side caves of Dagobah. There Tahiri and Anakin both
had strong visions in the Force-saturated place, while Uldir saw nothing. Later, he went with the same group to Darth Vader's
Bast Castle on the planet Vjun to find Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber. The young Jedi trainees were assaulted by a
self-proclaimed Mage named Orloc, who tempted Uldir with quick knowledge of the Force if he gave Orloc the saber and a
Holocron they found in Vader's private chambers.
Upon returning to Yavin IV with the artifacts, Uldir returned to his studies, and his mind returned again and again to Orloc's
promise. Uldir stole the saber, the Holocron, and Ikrit's ship, the Sunrider, and met with Orloc at Exis Station to become
his apprentice. Orloc tricked Uldir with simple illusions and gadgetry into thinking he was gaining Force-abilities. The group
managed to get to Exis in time to save Uldir as well as the artifacts and defeat Orloc. Uldir went back to Coruscant to become
an emergency relief pilot, so in his own way he could help people like the Jedi Knights do.
His time at the Jedi Academy put him in danger a few years later though. The Peace Brigade mistook him for a Jedi rather than
a Jedi sympathizer. They managed to sneak a spy aboard his ship. This spy narrowly failed in his attempt to deliver Uldir to
the Vong. Uldir returned to the Academy to relate his story and caution about Brigade activities to me. He continues to serve
the Jedi by running supplies and Jedi refugees along the "Great River." He has since had many adventures, including a recent
run-in with the Vong on the planet Bonadan in the Corporate Sector, along with Jedi Knight
Klin-Fa Gi. Uldir & his crew managed to help Klin-Fa rescue a fellow Jedi, &
her lover, Bey Gandan from the Vong. They also captured a Vong cruiser &
stopped a Vong attempt to poison the alazhi crops on Thyferra, effectively ending bacta production. Unfortunately Bey had
been turned into a sleeper agent & was killed during the fight. Klin-Fa returned to the fold, never having fallen into the Dark
Side, despite Uldir's initial doubts. Uldir went back to his usual runs with his crew.